An Introduction to Circle Dance

Start date: 22 June 2024
Day: Saturday
Course length: 1 Day Course
Time: 10:30 to 12:30

Course code: SD05

Full fee: £19.00 | Over 65s: £17.10 | Benefit: £15.20

Tutor: Christine Power

Courses description

A workshop to introduce you to circle dance, a form of social dance which has rhythms and dances from around the world. With origins in Eastern Europe, many new dances have been created to folk music from varying traditions. The steps of each dance will be explained and demonstrated, before we dance them as a group by holding hands in a circle. These are not authentic folk dances as they have altered while being danced in the UK, and as such are part of a living community of dance! We will have a short break during the session.

Material List
Fees & further information

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