Medieval Objects and Materials 

Start date: 23 September 2024
Day: Monday
Course length: 12 Week Course
Half term: no classes between 28th October and 1st November
Time: 19:45 to 21:45

Course code: BM05

Full fee: £216.00 | Over 65s: £194.40 | Benefit: £172.80

Tutor: Dr Maeve Marta O Donnell

Courses description

The world of Medieval art was one in which glass, gold, skin, silk, wood and stone could transport the viewer through time and space. In this course, we will learn how medieval artists employed these and other materials, securing them from far and wide and combining them to astonishing effect. We will also explore the ways different objects worked - from manuscripts to reliquaries - and discuss where Medieval artists got their ideas, as well as what they hoped to achieve through their remarkable artworks. While we will also cover key imagery related to the Virgin Mary and the Saints as well as the differences between Islamic, Jewish and Christian art, we will focus mostly on techniques and objects, imagining how they were handled, displayed and understood by Medieval viewers. If you're an artist looking for novel inspiration for your current practice or want to learn more about artists and techniques of the past, please come along on this journey through the Middle Ages. Meetings will encompass slides and lectures as well as discussion and comparisons with modern and contemporary art.

Material List
Fees & further information

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