Writing a Commercial Novel (Online)

Start date: 16 September 2024
Day: Monday
Course length: 12 Week Course
Half term: no classes between 28th October and 1st November
Time: 18:00 to 20:00

Course code: OW02

Full fee: £216.00 | Over 65s: £194.40 | Benefit: £172.80

Tutor: Rosemary Dun

Courses description

This online course will cover: how to write a beginning to grab your reader, the elements and how-to of a plot, finding your unique voice, research and the importance of time and space, how to develop characters your reader will care about, gaining a writing practice, and insight into the publishing process and more.

Led by published novelist and experienced creative writing tutor who also teaches on an MA course for Creative Writing. You will leave with the tools to get your novel written.

Material List
Fees & further information

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