
Jackie Bennett has been creating in woven form for over 30 years. She trained as a tapestry weaver at West Dean College and since then has been developing her weaving techniques as part of her art practice. She exhibits locally, nationally and internationally. Recent exhibitions include Interface International Touring Tapestry show (England and Canada), Brighton Festival Artists Open Houses and Threads in Sheds, Whitworth Silk Mill, Hants. Jackie has been teaching in the adult education sector for 25 years and sees it as an important part of her practice. She also runs bespoke workshops for Carers and Mental Health support groups and in community settings. As weaving is very tactile and requires complete concentration, it can have a calming, mindful effect.

Jackie’s weaving is inspired by many different sources, particularly African and Asian Art, local landscapes and wellbeing practises. Currently she is undertaking a research project which will result in an exhibition at Glenside Hospital Museum, Bristol in 2022. Her BA degree was in Asian and African Art, at SOAS. She is a fan of the work of the Polish weaver Tadek Beutlich and the 60s and 70s Fibre Art movement.


Teaching (0)

    Jackie is not teaching any courses right now.